Friday, October 28, 2011

"Hugh Laurie = Gordan Freeman" - 10/27/2011 WASD Podcast

Why hello everyone, we are back with another podcast. This one started out with a bad omen but managed to finish without any technical difficulties. We talk about some of the biggest news of the week in gaming. First in order make some money off the "pay what you want as long as it is more than the current price" model there was the launch of the Indie Royal. Four games that get more expensive the longer you wait in to purchase it. Next there was the Grand Theft Auto V announcement of an announcement that will happen on Nov 2. Lastly Planetside 2 makes a bold statement and we speculate on if they will be able to back it up. We answer some great listener questions so keep sending those in. So what are you waiting for listen in!!

Indie Royal Bundle

Grand Theft Auto V

Planetside 2 claiming to be like Risk where Battlefield and Call of Duty are like checkers.

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