Sunday, April 3, 2011


Bulletstorm is one of Epic Games newest title. From the creators of the Gears of War series and Unreal Tournament this game does not have nearly as much ambition but that does not take out the fun. You can expect a lot of fun gameplay in Bulletstorm with a lot of crass humor to go with it. With the main character a drunk, who is wanting to get revenge to make up for his past. Finds himself in a bad position after making a terrible decision.

The story starts off with a bottle of spirits in one hand and a gun in the other. You are trying to get some information out of a mercenary who was hired to kill you. Why you are wanted you may ask well it explains that in a little bit but for now back to the antics. So you get the information and proceed to launch the guy out the airlock using your massive boot to kick him in the air tight room. The mercenary somehow manages to get a grenade and sticks it to the windshield causing some hull damage and knocks some stuff around. Now it gives you a little tutorial on how to do stuff as you move through some clutter. Now is where some of the story starts to develop, with your old captain found you proceed to want to get revenge on what he made you do and go on a suicide mission taking the whole crew with you. After getting shot you land on this alien planet where in you unconsciousness you have a flashback. In the middle of a mission you find out that the target you were assigned to kill was a civilian reporter. Turns out your captain was using your squad to silence some voices. You wake up in some rubble and some of the crew is in terrible shape. You get sent on a mission to find a robot brain to put inside one of your friends (I am not making this up) in order to patch him up. Some of the locals get frisky and things get out of hand. This is where the game finally starts to get interesting. With the captain crash landing on the same planet you are still going to try and get your revenge.

The way the gameplay works is there are the weapons that get upgraded with skill points that you gain through doing skill shots. You achieve skill shots through either leashing and kicking enemies into plants or spikes, sometimes electric generators. There are some ones that are a little harder to achieve such as shooting down two enemies without letting go of the fire trigger. These points go towards purchasing weapon upgrades that can be used to help make the future levels a little easier. With some skill shots lacking any kind of creativity it sometimes feels like they were just looking to be crass and gave that kind of approach. It is still fun to play but it is something that might want to keep the volume down and hope your  mom doesn't walk through when attempting the "Gang Bang" skill shot. There is also the co-op mode where the skill shots are a lot more limited but it can be fun to go through with a friend if you got some time to burn but don't expect to spend hours on it and still have some enjoyment. It loses its luster pretty quickly and the new weapons being few and far between can make for some long drawn out stages. Now I know pretty well as to who this game is for.

This game is going to appeal to anyone who wants to just sit down and enjoy a game that does not take itself very seriously. With the level of humor not really very tasteful it is just not my kind of game. I honestly see some college frat boy who is drinking a beer and giving high-fives to his buddies as he mows down some baddies and gets a crotch shot and thinks thats the coolest thing ever. If you fit that description then its a 10/10 for you but for everyone else I think it is somewhere around the 8 range. It is fun but the main character can get annoying and the cyborg is just a joke like the rest of the game. The graphics are a little dated with the unreal engine not being updated since 2005 surprised they still use it. This game's biggest flaw though would have to be the characters so if that is something that is important to you then I would not recommend this to you however if you just want to shoot people in the butt and laugh at the names of the skill shots then go ahead and grab it.

This game in my opinion felt very rushed like they did not want to put a whole lot into the game just some filler between Gears of War 2 and 3. I have not really been a big fan of Epic games I am one who values story over having there be chainsaws on guns or not. Though I will not deny that their games are not fun I did enjoy the gameplay from Bulletstorm however the presentation was not really doing it for me. I felt like I was playing the Old Spice commercial, look up look down there is a dinosaur now look at your cat now back to the Borderland knock off psychos. This game will go down in price fast I would recommend a rent or a used copy the content is thin but could make a weekend go by pretty quickly.


  1. From what I've read, this game is just stupid, with a lot of inappropriate humor and bad language. I'm not a prude, but everyone has their limits. Technical note - It uses Unreal Engine 3.5 - 2009, not 2005

  2. I agree with you but trust me with seeing it the graphics feel like 2005 and the humor is not the strong point


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